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  1. Wow, you are very brave! I like your story, most the Indiana Jones part 🙂 For me your Spinach Smoothie looks like an adventure, too!!!

  2. Wow, beautifully written, Dawn! You sound like you’re super adventurous and live life to the fullest. I’m the same way (and also have horrible motion sickness). Thanks so much for sharing your perspective on “adventure”. Your thoughts are going to stick with me…especially the last few sentences. 🙂

  3. I love your definition of adventure. Often it is the little adventures like you said about your treks with friends that can be the most rewarding. Though roller coasters are exciting too! Though I’m too much of a wimp to get on one again 🙂
    Very well written!

  4. Thanks for all of your kind comments. I think I may look more adventurous on paper than I really am. My daughter and husband are the daredevils in the family.